10 Ways to use storytelling to shake up your women’s history month campaign

Mariel Davis
Co-founder & CXO
March 11, 2024

Heritage months provide companies with a unique opportunity to cultivate an inclusive workplace culture and improve overall employee engagement by celebrating the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their workforce.  

This month, we observe Women’s History Month which serves as a dedicated period to honor and recognize the contributions women have made throughout history. Not only does this event present a chance to reflect on pivotal roles women have played in shaping society, but it also provides an opportunity to integrate personal stories of women employees and leaders to create a more inclusive workplace culture.

Women’s History Month may have already started but it’s not too late to share the stories, achievements, and challenges of the women that have impacted your organization. We’ve compiled ten meaningful ways to leverage storytelling to authentically commemorate Women’s History Month:

  • Encourage thoughtful reflection and interaction: Inspire employees to share a story about women who have a positive impact on them in the workforce or share commitments or new ideas to aid in the fight for equality.
  • Highlight women customers or clients: Showcase a woman business owner or leader who uses your products. Highlight the story of how she got started, challenges she’s overcome, and advice for future leaders.
  • Initiate an employee recognition program, spotlighting remarkable women: Ask employees to nominate a Woman of the Year to show appreciation and for an outstanding woman employee. Other recognition opportunities could include a Women to Watch or Women Supporting Women Award.
  • Spotlight favorite women-owned businesses: Amplify the achievements of women entrepreneurs by promoting and patronizing your favorite women-owned businesses.
  • Showcase ways your employees are volunteering their time and expertise to support women’s advancement: Whether it’s dedicating time to women’s nonprofits, coaching a local girls’ sports team, or supporting women-owned businesses, share these stories to inspire others to get involved.
  • Spotlight important women around the world: Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of groundbreaking women in their respective countries, encouraging international awareness  and appreciation.
  • Hold a book club themed in women’s stories or showcase a book written by an inspirational woman author: Select a book and create prompts for discussion that other book club members can reflect on. This can be replicated as a recurring event as a way to celebrate other heritage months and holidays.
  • Create a playlist showcasing favorite women-focused songs and women musicians: Allow employees to share their favorites and what that particular song or musician means to them. Compile songs into a playlist to share with coworkers to add to a careers page to showcase your company culture.
  • Host a women’s leadership panel: Share valuable advice, learnings, and stories of perseverance from women leaders to provide development opportunities for future women leaders.
  • Share your favorite quotes by inspirational  women: Share how they have inspired and motivated you in your everyday life.

With these ideas, you can create snack-sized video stories that are easily shareable with employees, candidates, and on social channels.  It’s an easy, creative way to show your organization's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, plus your dedication to creating a space where every voice is heard and celebrated. Spokn makes it simple to create authentic, collaborative videos for heritage months that start your own leadership teams. It takes just a minute and no fancy equipment or video editing skills are needed. If you’d like to learn more, let us know!

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