Easy videos that capture attention for your cause

Create fundraising and awareness videos in minutes - no editing skills needed.

Why nonprofits love spokn?

No editing skills needed

Create beautifully branded videos on your own - without an editor or complicated software.

Quick and convenient

Collect footage remotely without special equipment needed. Craft a video in minutes.

Powerful, authentic stories

Demonstrate emotion and human impact in a real, ‘unfiltered’ way.

How you can showcase your nonprofit with video

Personalize donor outreach

Easily scale personalized donor appeals and thank you's with short videos that cut through the noise. 

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Showcase success stories

Attract program participants and demonstrate impact to your donors with credible testimonials. 

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Rapidly raise awareness

Respond to fast-moving events by quickly creating videos to educate and advocate for your cause.

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Enrich your communications

Make your newsletters, social media, website and annual reports pop with memorable stories. 

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The easy way to showcase your impact - on a shoestring


Compelling videos without editing and equipment costs


Create and share your videos in minutes


Connect with donors through content that feels real

Apply for a nonprofit license today

To support the incredible work of nonprofits and non-governmental organizations, Spokn provides a 90% discount to qualifying organizations.  It takes two minutes to apply. 

Apply for spokn’s nonprofit discount

Qualifying nonprofits and NGOs can apply for a 90% discount on a Spokn license.  You’ll receive the full features of an Enterprise license (valued at over $10,000) for $250 each quarter, or $1,000 annually.

Thanks for applying for Spokn’s nonprofit license!  You’ll hear from a member of our team within three business days. 
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