Meet the new spokn brand

Today, we’re excited to unveil Spokn’s new brand. We’ve got a new logo, colors, website, and - most important - a new and broader mission. Here’s what’s behind the changes:
A Broader Mission:
At remote and hybrid companies, there’s a looming connection crisis and Spokn is evolving to solve it.
When companies went remote, work didn't stop, but community-building did.
Now, our connections feel transactional, not personal. The Zoom happy hours, awkward virtual coffee chats and online trivia don’t cut it. They were never designed for remote work and feel like “forced fun.” While leaders kept their platforms like the All Hands, employees lost their voice.
There’s no good tool for creating this connection and community on remote teams. Many companies have given up: they’ve put their culture on hold until the occasional offsite rolls around.
That’s why we built our latest product, Spokn Stories, to give every employee a voice in a remote world. With Stories and Podcasts combined, Spokn aims to be the remote ‘Culture HQ,’ helping remote teams build a community no matter where they are.
With our new product and purpose, we outgrew our old brand. So we built a new one.
The Logo:
Fun fact: Spokn started out as an app with human narrations of written content. Those white lines on our old logo? Those signified text.

Today, Spokn celebrates the power of storytelling to connect people from afar. That’s why our new logo references quotation marks: because we feel that everyone should have a voice at work. If the logo reminds you of spokes in a wheel, that’s intentional, too. We believe that it’s our stories that connect us together and keep us moving forward - even when we’re far apart.
The Colors

Honestly, we can’t remember why we chose teal for our original logo. Startups are like that, you know? 🤷♀️
The new Spokn purple ✨pops✨ on purpose. Most employees first experienced remote work during a pandemic that trapped them at home. It was a dull, isolating and lonely way to work.
But we believe that when companies are intentional about building a great remote culture - and have the right tool to do it - remote work can feel the opposite: a vibrant experience of belonging. Our color palette aims to reflect that joyful liveliness.
The Illustrations:

Think of the best stories you’ve ever heard: they’re whimsical, adventurous, and full of personality. That’s the vibe we wanted our illustrations - or our visual storytelling - to communicate.
Our Gratitude:
We want to share a warm “Thank you!” to our friends at The Brand Company, the Cairo-based agency responsible for our new look. One of our cofounders is from Egypt, and a big part of our heart (and a lot of our team) is still there, too. Despite being home to so many talented people, Egypt is often overlooked by the global tech scene. That’s why it’s especially meaningful for us to have the chance to be a platform for the work of an incredible Egyptian agency. If you like what you see, ask us for an intro.
In addition to The Brand Company, hundreds of Chief People Officers, founders, executives and employees who listened to podcasts on Spokn informally aided our rebrand. They helped us recognize that our opportunity to support remote companies extends far beyond ‘workplace podcasting.’ We’re deeply grateful for the countless hours of advice and feedback they shared.
Finally, there’s you. If you’ve made it down to this point, you’re likely a customer, friend, supporter or one of our moms (hi! 👋). Thank you for your advice, patience and support.
Yalla bina! (Let’s go! in Arabic)

Storytelling is a powerful tool to create authentic employee connections and showcase your commitment to equity. Here are ten ways to integrate personal stories from employees and leaders to spotlight women’s achievements and commemorate Women’s History Month.